Saturn’s Marching Orders ~ 28 Jul 2017

More than half of 2017 has flown by. How’s the year working out for ya? Getting enough done? Goals completing? Progress unfolding? Satisfaction stacking up? A positive relationship with Saturn clearly in play?

It is important to have a positive relationship with Saturn. The ringed wonder insists on several elements of propitiation for anyone reaching out to him. He demands that action and intent underscore (and in a bold font, too) any calls for aid, assistance and award. Hard work must back up carefully chosen words that create pleas and petitions. And with Saturn, timing is everything.

There is a crisp cadence to Saturn. It’s a resonant drumbeat that guides a marching platoon to stay in synch, or more mirthfully, a marching band to offer a dazzling performance. Are you in step with Saturn? After all, in less than a month Saturn goes direct (Aug 25), issuing renewed marching orders intent upon making something from the remainder of this year.



As Saturn stations he aligns with several black holes in Sagittarius. Being that Saturn appreciates any kind of economy, here is an economical look at bullet point blasting from the singularities Saturn stations upon:

Walk the talk.

Practice what you preach.

If your actions and beliefs do not match, try changing your beliefs.

Consult only with experts.

Convert all experience into soul-infused wisdom.

Contemplate with conscious intention that includes every corner of consciousness.

A clear sense of purpose and destination that work in the real world and in service to soulful aspirations, ensures that Saturn offers shimmering beacons as he carefully monitors the steps taken by a petitioning party. When marking off the initial miles of a thousand-mile journey, at first the task of measuring gain can appear daunting... there’s still so much distance to go. “Yes,” Saturn might add, “but consider the ground covered thus far, and more, observe and feel great about the perfectly placed cornerstones as foundation for your objectives. How’s that settle in your sacrum?”

No doubt there are many touting the special merits of Sagittarius as he crosses the Galactic Center for the final time on November 24th, and with good reason. Here are some bullet point prompts for Saturn matching wits with the core of our galaxy:


Present progressive ideas and philosophies.

Lead the pack.

Boldly campaign for new platforms and ideas, but with an impeccably clear branding strategy.

Inspire others to innovate.

Bear in the mind that all institutions, governments, industries and belief systems maintain deep roots. Trekking forward with the belief that progressive ideas will instantaneously replace what is outdated and in need of change reeks of naivete. Like those thousand mile journeys the first steps feel arduous. Celebrate all victories and accomplishments howsoever small. Keep in mind that Saturn at this time trines Uranus retrograde. Uranus’ strongest insight in the moment is that change occurs more organically from within to without. Yes, Eris the outsider is also widely trine Saturn. However, if Eris seeks to skip steps and ignore the merit of constant, gradual progress, she is likely to encourage throwing stones at glass houses.

Operate with the wisdom and integrity that are expected of higher consciousness proclamations. At this critical “make a big splash in the world” juncture in late November, remember what happened and was integrated in early November.

On November 2nd Saturn squares Chiron in Pisces. This is the mythic relationship of father to son, or more loosely, the perceived dominating parent to their offspring. In the world view this is the institution telling the inquisitor that there is a reason for the system in place. There are conscious platforms behind every declared dictum, rule and law. The key for the seeker is to proceed knowing the reasons, or seeking the meaning of those reasons, and all the while realizing that the intent of the structure in place is to ensure that big systems continue to operate. No where in the operational guidelines of any system does it specifically seek to shunt the seeker.

The agenda for the one bearing progressive messages is to know that any and all rebuttals are not inherently personal, nor do those speedbumps seek to lessen confidence, minimize skills or deny talent. It’s simply the system seeks to continue its momentum and anything added must be perceived as an enhancement. Okay, fair enough: sometime a highway’s onramp needs to be shut down for massive improvement or infrastructure repair. In those instances alternate routing must be clear and timely to ensure long term and large scale navigational flow continues.

Bear in mind that if you are downloading brilliant insights to report to the world:

The insight(s) bear(s) no intention of declaring anything “wrong.”

There is no agenda to convert the minds of the unconvertible.

Insights may need to be doled out in three waves, each six weeks to nine months apart for best response from the collective.

Collective response is slow and those showing receptivity likely require coddling through the process of consciousness change.

So, in the next month, step back a time or two and honestly assess the state of your progress. Honest assessment best indicates where improvement is required and similarly, validates gains made without false modesty or boastfulness. When assessing, notice how your initial objectives might have migrated or evolved. Restate enhanced objects, and per Saturn, review and reset the timeline. Then, pick your cadence... and with that cadence listen to the beat of your drummer who knows how to pound out a pleasing rhythm to all who appear on your path.

More soon.